Soul Scribbles – Breaking Away From Ego

It’s Spring and March is upon us. What are our feelings about the changing seasons? We shed ourselves physically and mentally most times and don’t even realize it. So many of us are dealing with so much and so fast that we hurdle to jump through our waking hours. What if we only lived mindfully? Would we not feel the romance in the air, the changing seasons, the different moods of the universe?

At times have you ever felt that your inner light was dimmer than usual, your body was exhausted, your emotions kind of overwhelmed and your mind just won’t stop ticking? All this is an indication that we are slowly being locked out of our system. Our spirit is somewhere lost in the silent noise that we have made our friend. We are so unaware and that is because we let our egos pride themselves, turning ourselves into hamsters, running on a treadmill of fear. But what the ego does not realize and we should in time, is that we will ultimately get to be breathless and rudderless.

What comes next in this confusion, is the need to nurture and look after ourselves. We might need to reach out and ask other people for their love and support and there’s no harm in that. Calling in a friend to have dinner, asking one’s partner for a back rub, or just even going for a stroll in the park together seems like a good idea. Playing with one’s pet, going off to a spa, and getting a hot stone massage, are just some ways of allowing oneself and others to help restore one’s balance. Not a time to try and do everything by yourself for sure. When the reserves seem to have dried up, and in that case, one needs the soul family and some friends to do the needful.

What our spirit needs and asks for, will well be refuted by the Ego of course, but always remember it was the ego that got us there in the first place. Now the only thing we have to be careful about is who we ask to nurture us, not everybody is willing enough. You will know when it’s lifting your spirits and not a mere ruse of the ego. When you begin to feel the vibration of joy, then you fully will understand that your spirit is breaking free from the ego and that it’s time to reconnect with nature. The next step is to dare to be happy even if people around you don’t encourage or help you on the path. What we don’t realize about the ego is that its job is to keep us unhappy and in pain. It keeps us lacking, making us feel that everything is temporary and fake and that we will not succeed.

But it is not only the ego that plays with our better sense but also people who don’t want us to succeed. That is because they are not content with themselves. Nothing is personal. So, understand better and share your joy in different ways and resonate with it. When the time is right, you have to open your heart and arms to reach out and touch others with your spirit. Of course, the ego will not like that, it will make excuses for you while the spirit will not. If we live in the now, we learn to forgive and forget. We have to learn to rebel against our ego and move forward. We thankfully have no one to answer but ourselves. No more being scared into submission and time to take over the command of ourselves. With enough clarity and forgiveness of ourselves, we can reach a place where nothing and nobody can have power over us.

We will soon begin to notice how much vibration just our words are creating. Our egos stir up a lot of negative thoughts but our spirit then calms the troubled waters of emotion. When life looks a bit foggy, you know it’s the ego that is contorting the truth. At this time reach out to the creator/ the Universe- whatever rocks your boat and stay aware. Learn as much as you can, be on guard, and allow your spirit to speak for you. That way all the fog will clear and the present will be in front of you. 

When most things are in the midst of change, and extra drama is being created in our head, putting us in a state of fear and helplessness, step back and evaluate the situation, calming the nerves and understanding that everything does not have to be an emergency. Acknowledge the fears, not rushing into them headfirst, thus giving the situation its own moment of calm. Act only when the moment needs it. Catching one’s breadth, and simply disconnecting with false urgencies of the ego deters us from aligning with our higher selves.

Spending a good time in solitude is imperative if we want a decent survival. Most times we cannot even hear ourselves because of the loud voices of our egos. We all suffer from time to time. Listening to too many people and sometimes even ourselves, that’s when we have to decide not to solicit that many opinions to feel safe in ourselves. When we keep to ourselves at times like these, we find ourselves more in control of our own situation.Enough of the mind and the way it controls us. We should be ready to love our bodies, considering how hard they work for us. But do we know that even our bodies are controlled by our egos? It tries its very best to shame it and control it. This makes our bodies weak and sick. When we befriend our bodies, we set them free.

To live the lives that we want to, we should agree with ourselves to go ahead and make changes, some of which will of course be quite overwhelming. We should meet those challenges headlong along with a good plan of course. We can break down changes daily to take bite-sized doable steps. Approaching our goals, one step at a time, we should only attempt to do one or two things at a time. Going slow and steady we can definitely find our way there. Breathe gratitude for being alive, for meeting challenges, and for having the ability to find solutions.