How many of us are plagued by these profound questions now and then? Why are we put here on this earth? What is our soul’s purpose? What are we here to learn and many more? Also, then some people don’t question anything. But everybody has a role to play in their ignorance. They just go about their lives from day to day, laughing at the people who do. Either way isn’t it something to be that’s incomplete in our existence? When we go through the motions of life and death, family, struggles, pain, and betrayal…Aren’t we all here to live lives of purpose, that would in turn enhance our very minds and spirits, to go through our days and fulfill our destinies? By moving through with baby steps, we manage our day-to-day activities, slowly moving towards personal successes and thus reaching the satisfaction that we seek in our lives.
Usually, when our souls begin to stir, strange inner restlessness emerges. This is usually a wake-up call. That’s when the questions start and we begin to ask ourselves if we are really happy. We reach this place if we have been pretending not to recognize everything for fear of shifting the status quo in our lives. But what we do not realize is the fact that the soul cannot be silenced nor can it be ignored, simply because the work of the soul is to wake us up from our slumber and reconnect us with our authentic selves. Hence, we are shaken up a bit and try to reconnect with our authenticity.
Having awakened that part of ourselves we start by getting more curious than usual. We begin wanting a more creative and sensual life. We want to break free from the rut that we feel that we are in. These feelings of longing are perhaps coming in from a midlife crisis. It is perhaps our soul’s way of leading us away from submission to a fearful ego and driving us toward a joyful spirit. Helping us to engage with the unknown. Our lesson helps us to be receptive to the opportunities and invitations. Awakening to this power we have to own ourselves. We cannot succumb to limiting attitudes and behaviors, that leave us in pain and frustration. We have to focus our attention on what consumes our mental energy. We cannot scatter our energies on useless imaginings and weakening thoughts. Our lesson here would be to grow our garden of life, by realizing whether it is bearing fruit or is overrun by weeds.
The best way to get here is to lead an empowered life. A spiritual frequency can be reached by doing some mental housekeeping. Most times we are very confused about many things in our lives and refuse to take help in the cleanup of things. We avoid what seems difficult and let things only go from bad to worse. How? We seem to absorb the energies of others instead of directing our power to serve our own goals. So it’s the time to sweep away the mental debris, confusion, and psychic clutter and open up our receptive channels. What is needed is sheer discipline and courage to remove these blocks.
Our lives are so often in flux that we forget our spirit. If we just focus on our talents and gifts, and not let the negativity of the world override our commitments, we could get rid of our self-doubts that darken our lives. We have to resist drama-filled conversations that have a demoralizing effect on us. We have to just learn to believe in ourselves and be faithful and consistent as we go on to master our talents. This would make our efforts worthwhile in the long run. Our souls help us to create the success that we dream of in the real physical world. One way is to accept life as it is and not try to control it. We tap into our divine power when we take charge of our negative emotional reactions. To try to control the external world is as futile as it is to control the ocean. We need to subdue all tempting negative emotional reactions, by staying connected to our higher selves.
But all this aside, we do get to a place where we feel that everything that we are doing right now is not working, what happens then? It is possible that situations don’t work in people’s favor all the time. At this point, one has to realize that this proves to be a major learning curve. All the aggravating circumstances are proven to be an invitation to grow. We then begin to say- why is this happening to me? Like life is so unfair. But the reality of the situation is that it is better to sit connected with one’s higher self than to drown in sheer drama. Just eliminating all the drama and negative habits, we realize that they are the ones that hijack our freedom.
As our souls begin to awaken, our creative spirits begin to find their outlets and demand expression. At this point, we have to let our inner selves speak freely and let our soul’s voice finally speak out. Retaining that voice threatens to be destructive. We have to give our soul its voice. We have to stop over-nurturing others, they can be anybody- family, friends, or even co-workers and give ourselves the need to be cherished and cultivated. We at most times are insensitive and unresponsive to our own needs- physical, emotional, and even spiritual. Only if we help ourselves can we help others.
Self-care is the only way to advance one’s own life at this juncture. When the time comes around to commit to new goals, we recognize it. But to bring that out in the real world, one needs more than just wishful thinking and visualization. The road pointing to the next good thing is to move towards one’s dreams. Taking the responsibility for one’s desires; one has to create a plan of action to move forward. Following through with the plan means taking sequential steps every day. One cannot wait for others to provide us with what we want.
Of course, one can feel trapped and overwhelmed by problems for which there are no immediate solutions. But one is never really stuck, nor do we have to give way to anything that doesn’t serve our higher good. One has to just start removing all the drama and fear-based perspectives. Writing things down makes you see them clearer on paper. Things do change for the better. For that one has to use one’s power of vision to create a better tomorrow.