The Universe Has Ears

Growing up, and in the early years we were taught to live in ways that were different from what the world has now become. Today because of so much change and the beliefs that no longer exist in comparison, we are all facing a time where we are prone to accept that it is better to be open to everything and preferably attached to nothing. We grew up with infinite possibilities though we had no real opportunities to totally disagree with the culture of that time and era.

So out with the old and close-mindedness. Today we are ready to embrace new thinking, new possibilities, individualities and the like. So we understand when we read a line from the famous Muslim Poet and Sufi Mystic-Jalal ad Din Muhammad Rumi-

‘Sell your cleverness and purchase bewilderment’

Be able and willing to be part of a miracle and let progress lead you forward.

When we understand what we are all about, and when our thoughts are not filled with doubt, our inner energies are ignited and we become the recipient of all the miracles that are just waiting to happen. Especially when people say something is impossible, one has to open their minds to more than the ordinary.

Letting go of one’s attachments allows that. Inner convictions pave the way to new beginnings, thus showing us the way to being more wealthy, more professional, famous, artistic, and whomsoever we want to be. But it’s definitely easier said than done, since we cannot let go of our attachments that easily.

The need to be always right, to possess something or people in all our relationships, to be looked at as the best, are some of these attachments. For that we have to argue with our conditioning that keeps us shackled to our upbringing. Our egos stay dominant while we want other things for ourselves. And as a result nothing comes close to making us happy or successful.

We are all parts of a very complex system. But we do realize when our minds dictate to us one idea and our hearts quite the other. Our minds say no and our hearts accept the music that is coming from afar. Listening to our hearts most of the time gives us pleasure. It contradicts the mind that says- beware or be afraid of failure.

We have to at that point make a conscious choice and to do the thing that makes one feel whole and complete and at peace. One has to live life with a passion that completes one’s destiny.Being passionate involves taking big risks. Thinking out of the box, taking chances, stepping out of our comfort zones to actually experience the unknown, is what we are bound to feel in this new world.

But if we are inspired to do all this, we will never ask why? Just stirring the soul, will bring harmony in itself. It is not going to be easy, as we find that we risk the opinions of our near and dear ones, and all those negative emotions (fear) that will flood us from time to time. But risk it we must.

The biggest fear that we face is one of failure. I have always stated this and believed it so strongly as I fear it too. Failure is just an illusion. Simply explained- its not as if everything that one does ends in failure because everything we do produces some result or the other, but it’s the judgment that follows the action is what clouds our minds.

When we learn to love ourselves and everything that we are capable of doing, we face fear right on, because when we love and respect ourselves, the other person’s disapproval does not matter. Fear is definitely not real. When we love ourselves, we attract higher energies. The universe in turn responds to us in the same coin. We attract the same things in others as we reach out to them.

So it is imperative that we love and surround ourselves with self respect so that we only encounter the same. You can only give away what you have. Like if you possess only hatred or jealousy, you will only give out negative energy. Like that of squeezing an orange. When someone squeezes you, or puts pressure on you, then one will only receive anger, bitterness, hatred, tension, depression and anxiety.

One can get out of this zone if one can find their purpose in life. How? Very simply understanding that we all come into this life with nothing, and we will ultimately leave this world- with nothing. Nothing that we accumulate in this lifetime can we take with us, so the best thing is to give it all away. Giving to others is a purpose in life. Taking away the attention from our selves, and serving others instead can be the known as a purpose in one’s life.

We all know that we hang on to our pasts with a vengeance. That really immobilizes us but what we forget is that our pasts are done, and if we want to heal ourselves from pain and hurt we should accept life and move forward. The ability to live in the ‘now’ does not agree with most people. We are busy courting the ‘future’. By drifting away from the now, we kill the elusive moment that is our ‘present’.

To cap it all, whatever we envision ourselves to be and despite however high and mighty we feel, we have to accept our realities and one way we can do so is to think we already are who we aspire to be. This is definitely one way to reach our destination, and setting into motion different ways to make our dreams finally come true. In seeing who we can become, by already acting it, we manifest our dreams.

By having the courage to inspire ourselves we already admit to ourselves that we are. For example if we are living a life of scarcity, and the things that other people have are not coming our way, we should change our thinking and behave like we already have them and act as if we are enjoying them. Like imagining that we already own that dream car. By visualizing it, we actually tempt the dormant forces to actually collaborate to make it a reality. The Universe has ears.

Once this becomes a way of life, and you begin to accept that success and inner peace are part of your birthright then it feels like a silent agreement between you and your God. Think clear, think peace, think love, and think harmony and mutual respect and it will in turn manifest in your life many fold.

So it was rightly said by Albert Einstein

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle’.



Previously published in WIC Style